Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


Submitted by Pam Ross

20th Century Atlas of Mason County, Illinois, published 1903
Page 77

DAVID ELLMORE, Retired Farmer, living in Mason City. Was born in Green Co., Ky. in 1838. Was married in 1858 to Miss Mary J. Hill, of Tenn., and in 1879 to Miss Bettie Skaggs, of Ky. P. O. Mason City.

History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Mason City Township
Page 789

DAVID ELLMORE, farmer; P. O. Mason City; one of the old settlers of Mason Co., born in Green Co., Ky., Jan. 19, 1838. In thes pring of 1858, he came to Illinois, and, in the fall of 1860, located in Salt Creek Township, Mason Co. In 1864, he purchased forty acres of his present place, where he has since lived. He now owns 240 acres under a good state of cultivation, with good farm buildings, nearly all of which he has made by his own exertions. His marriage with Margaret J. Hill was celebrated in 1859; she died in April, 1877, leaving seven children:  John E., David 0., Edward P., Wiley W., Dora M., George C. and Walter S. He married, for his second wife, Bettie A. Scaggs, in April, 1879.

NOTE: David Ellmore's first wife is mentioned by different first names in the above articles. Her correct first name was Margaret. David Ellmore was my great-grandfather's brother. Donna Mayer

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer